Cloud Services

DevOps Services

We help companies build productive and steady software development processes.

Streamline Your Software Delivery with DevOps Services

The goal of our DevOps services and solutions is to shorten the software development lifecycle and set up smooth and continuous delivery of high-quality software. Depending on what pulls your IT processes down, we can provide the following services to eliminate obstacles your in-house team faces:

What to expect from our DevOps services

While working on our clients’ projects, we’ve gained immense and invaluable experience in continuous integration and continuous delivery, DevOps automation, release management, maintenance, and support. Here are the benefits you get when working with Shriffle:


Scale your application capacity in accordance with your users’ and business’s needs. Migrating to the cloud helps you maintain steady, predictable performance during peak use.

Enhanced security

Reduce risks to your business and operations by moving to a reliable and time-tested cloud service. AWS lowers risks related to application availability, security, and regulatory compliance.

Reduced infrastructure costs

Pay only for what you use. The auto-scaling feature in AWS helps you dramatically cut costs on running your application by reducing resources during periods of low use.

Improved software quality

Find and fix bugs at the earliest stages of development with continuous integration. Integrating small pieces of code significantly minimizes the average time to resolve bugs.

Increased customer satisfaction

Deliver more features and modernize your app faster. With a short time to market, you can react to users’ feedback and ever-changing market demands quickly to retain an army of loyal brand advocates.

How we ensure DevOps success

At shriffle, we have an established flow that helps us set up an efficient DevOps process that suits the specifics of your software product and meets the needs of your business.

Step 1. Audit your application

We thoroughly audit your application, existing tools, hosting servers, and databases to identify any incompatibilities and weaknesses. Then we decide on the cloud tools that align with your business goals and can improve specific functions of your app.

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Step 2. Select and implement DevOps practices

We help you choose and implement DevOps practices from scratch based on your business needs or adapt and manage ongoing projects to be compatible with the following DevOps practices:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous delivery
  • Continuous deployment
  • Release management
  • Automated testing
  • Load testing
  • App performance monitoring
  • Change/configuration management
  • Automated recovery (rollback & roll-forward)
  • Availability monitoring
  • Automated environment de-provisioning
  • Self-service environment setup

Step 3. container container-fluid--mdize the application

We place your application and all its essential parts in one package. Packing up the whole application into one container container-fluid--md ensures your application can run both on a local machine and on a server and drastically reduces infrastructure resources.

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Step 4. Apply the Infrastructure as Code approach

We implement the IaC approach to make your app infrastructure and its configuration run as scripts or sets of scripts. This replicates the environment fast and lets you reduce development hours needed to add new and configure existing tools.